Generics in C#

Generic is a new feature in C# 2.0.generic classes allow programmers to create classes support for any type. When we instantiate we can specify a specific type for each instance.

Generic Class Example:-

Let’s look at an example for generic class

Following is my generic class which allow client program to create stack type collections using different type of objects

    class Stack<T>
        public List<T> itemList = new List<T>();
        public void Push(T item)

        public T Pop()
          T item=  itemList[itemList.Count - 1];
          return item;

        public void ShowItems()
            for (int i =itemList.Count-1; i >=0; i--)

Following is my client program it create objects of that Stack class and each object treat the class with different type of objects

static void Main(string[] args)
            Stack<string> st = new Stack<string>();//stack with string elements
            Stack<int> st2 = new Stack<int>();//stack with int elements


Generic class can create instant for specific type. So programmers can reuse that class for various data types.

Generic Method Example:-

Normally when you work with large scale applications you will have to retrieve different type of data set from your data base. So you may follow the following sequence if you use three tiered architecture.

Client Layer à Business Layer à Data Layer

As an example suppose you need to retrieve student List, Course List, Account Data List and Facility List from your data base during the application. So you can write simple one method in your business layer which will pass stored procedure name to data layer.
So then data layer will execute specified stored procedure and retrieve the set of data from data base and convert it to relevant list.

public List<T> GetDataList(string storedProcedure)
            return (dataLayer.GetData(storedProcedure);


From your client code you can call this method as following


Generics with multiple types
You can create generic methods (even classes and other generic members) with more than one types.

Following is my generic class which use 2 types,
    class CustomeType<T, U>
        private T identity;
        private U marks;

        private Dictionary<T, U> dictionary = new Dictionary<T, U>();

        public T Identity
            get { return this.identity; }
            set { identity = value; }
        public U Marks
            get { return this.marks; }
            set { marks = value; }

Here is the way I’m going to use this class,

CustomeType<string, string> nursaryStudent = new CustomeType<string, string>();
            nursaryStudent.Identity = "Mala";
            nursaryStudent.Marks = "Very Good";
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Name={0} Level={1}", nursaryStudent.Identity, nursaryStudent.Marks));
            CustomeType<int, int> SchoolStudent = new CustomeType<int, int>();
            SchoolStudent.Identity = 201;
            SchoolStudent.Marks = 80;
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Student Id={0} Marks={1}", SchoolStudent.Identity, SchoolStudent.Marks));

            CustomeType<int, decimal> UniversityStudent = new CustomeType<int, decimal>();
            UniversityStudent.Identity = 20;
            UniversityStudent.Marks = 3.7M;
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("UniStuId={0} GPA={1}", UniversityStudent.Identity, UniversityStudent.Marks));

Generic Method With multiple types
Following method return type and one parameter type are set as generic types

        public T1 GetData<T1,T2>(T2 param, string storedProcedure)
          T1 returnVal=  DataLayer.GetData(param, storedProcedure);
          return returnVal;

And remember that, we can also create generic interfaces, Generics delegates, Generics Structs in C#.NET. Try to do more examples to familiar with this valuable concept